I’m back to talk about Fairy Tales, after all my library is filled with them! This playlist is about that fairy tale ending phrase we all know so well; “happily ever after”. These stories told through the ages, passed down from story-teller to story-teller, tap into our longing to overcome adversity and witness a dreamed being fulfilled. The happy ending fulfills our belief of that transformation that ordinary people can become something extraordinary.
The three stories in this playlist all take us on a journey often with magical elements of a classic fairy tale such as a witch, a fairy godmother, or a handsome prince. Along the way we witness the main characters kindness and courage as they triumph over greed, arrogance, and bullies. And they all have a happy ending and justice is served.
I don’t know about you, but I never grow tired of a story with the themes of compassion and generosity, and the words “and they lived happily ever after”.
Here are some theme questions to go with the playlist:
- Is there magic in these stories? When does this happen and how?
- Is there a happy ending and has anyone changed or been transformed? Who and how?
Story Specific Study Questions:
Rapunzel by: The Brothers Grimm
- If you were writing a moral for this story what would it be?
- Who is your favorite character and why?
- What lesson does this story teach you?
- How do you think the parent’s felt when their child was taken away?
- Have you ever made a promise that you couldn’t keep. Write about it.
- Write about what it would be like to live in a castle.
- Do you know the names of any castles? what are they?
The Princess and the Pea by: Hans Christian Andersen
- Does a Princess have magical powers? Why or why not?
- What lesson did you learn from this story?
- What qualities make for a “real” princess?
- Write an alternate ending for this story
- Are there other stories that have a princess that you can think of? what are they?
Cinderella by: Charles Perrault
- Have you heard the expression “It’s what’s inside that counts”? Tell how this relates to this story
- Were they any characters in the story that acted like bullies? Who were they and why do you think they acted that way?
- Write the next chapter in Cinderella’s life
- Write or tell a story about something that happened to make you feel changed or different.
- If you were friends with the stepsisters, what advice would you give them?
We are using this in small reading groups today! :-) Thanks Mrs. P!!
Posted by: Lisa Nelson | 03/19/2012 at 12:26 PM