It's that time of year again when school is starting and many stories will be shared about what happened over the summer. To celebrate the art of storytelling I am once again holding my annual writing contest for kids.
What an opportunity for a child to have their story read by the line up of this years judges:
Julia Roberts is a judge this year. She has 3 kids so it makes perfect sense! She knows what makes a good kids story. Julia Roberts - Julia provided the voice of Charlotte in the animated film, Charlotte's Web, recently starred as the evil queen in Mirror, Mirror and has produced four American Girl movies. She has three children and reading to them is one of her great joys; Melina Gerosa Bellows - Executive Vice President and Chief Creative Officer of Books, Kids, and Family at National Geographic; Mary Frances Smith-Reynolds who teaches second grade at Ivanhoe Elementary School in Silver Lake, CA, she has worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District for 16 years, teaching grades 1, 2, 4 and 5 and also as a Literacy Coach.
Exciting new sponsor for the Annual Writing Contest that help schools & libraries by providing books this year!
We are excited Polka Dots Publishing sponsoring the winning books that get created!
Once again we have Powell’s and Sukura of American again, but also BuyerTopia the #1 product fundraising choice in North America for schools and teachers with the most products, value and features. They are providing some great prizes that will also benefit the schools of the winners!
Prizes: ·
- For the two grand prize winners a $25 Buyer Topia Gift Certificate every month for a year. ·
- For the two grand prize winners’ schools/libraries a $25 Buyer Topia Gift Certificate every month for a year.
- For each of the eight remaining finalists a $25 Buyer Topia Gift Certificate. ·
- For the first school/library to submit an entry a $50 Buyer Topia Gift Certificate. Take note teachers!!
We also have a host of wonderful authors providing prizes as incentives to kids who enter. It's fun to pull the names of kids who have entered and provide them with a book as a prize!
We have partnered with: Hartlyn Kids a company based in NY who has a wonderful series dedicated to exposing children and their parents to the diversity of cultures around the world.
The MacCheeky series which is full of entertaining characters and delightful illustrations, and currently includes two titles: A Royal Little Pest and A Royal Little Pest: Mine! Both the MacCheeky Series and your books are also going to offered as digital e-books in the case the kids would rather have that, but last year we learned that most kids all picked the good old fashioned paper copy of the book!
Melissa Northway of Penelope the Purple Pirate Top 25 iTunes Book App will be working with us again this year and will host a 25 Book Giveaway on her website: The Giveaway will begin September 1st to coincide with the beginning of the Be-A-Famous-Writer Contest and will end October 15th.
All participants in the contest - those who submitted a story - just have to go to Ms. Northway's website, sign up for the Rafflecopter 25 Book Giveaway to be entered. On October 16th, they will randomly select one winner to win 25 Books that will be donated in their honor to a one of the charities listed below or of their choice. And one signed copy will go to the winner and one signed copy will go to their school library. Details can be found here . The winner will be able to choose which Polka Dots Publishing book they would like to donate including: Penelope the Purple Pirate, Penelope the Purple Pardner, Gerry the Giraffe or Clarence and the Traveling Circus.
My 4th annual writing contest opens Sept 1st and runs until Oct 15th. My contest website has all the details. They can write about any subject they like and it has to be 250 to 1000 words. There are 2 age categories 4-8 and 9-13.
To find out more details go to the contest website.
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