This year will mark the 5th year of my annual Be-a-Famous Writer contest for kids. I thought why not celebrate this in a big way. I put on my thinking cap and came up with a grand idea. I went back to all the past winners and some of the finalist to find out what they have been up too. It truly has been completely magical for me to read what they have shared and that is why I decided to have “Magic” be the theme for my 5th annual writing contest.
I learned that in most cases, the Be-a-Famous Writer contest was the first contest these young writers had ever entered. Collectively, this talented young group has gone onto win several Betty Awards, a National Gold Medal in the Scholastic Arts and Writing Contest, the PBS Kids Go Young Writers & Illustrators Contest, and various poetry contests including being selected to be one of thirty poems to be published. They have created book clubs at their schools, been selected as a reviewer for Stone Soup Magazine, served as role models in their school districts and their states, and achieved success in various library writing contests and reading council contests.
This will be the first of an eight week series featuring these inspirational young authors. Each week they will share their stories in a variety of ways, including excepts from some of their other writing projects. They also share their wisdom about what writing has done for them; from building their confidence, to insights about winning and what happens when you don’t. I hope you will check back each week to read “Where are They Now?”, I think you will be very impressed, just as I have been.
So now let’s check in with Gabrielle Fuller from N.C. She was 8 years old when she won the grand prize of my very first writing contest. Her story was a comic fairy tale and you can watch it now "Pretty Princess and Funky Frog".
Here is what she had to say about winning the contest:
"Winning the grand prize in your writing contest was a dream come true. I’ve been writing stories since a I was really little and all I had wanted was to have a book published and your contest helped me accomplish that goal. When I do write stories now they are more on a personal family level, but I will always be grateful to you for the opportunity to see my book in print. It is beautiful. It will be fun to read this year’s contest winners’ stories."
Gabrielle Fuller
Next week I’ll be catching up with Brianna Beebe my 2010 winner with a special question and answer session.
Be sure to bookmark my contest site for your classroom. The contest opens September 1st for entries. And a special thanks to my sponsors too. BuyerTopia, Tales2Go, Powell’s Books & Polka Dots Publishing and Penelope the Purple Pirate. They are making sure the schools win all year long with their great prizes!