Librarians play such an essential role in their schools. They help transform learning. They provide resources and connections. They work their tails off making connections to the outside world like bringing authors into the schools via Skype and sharing resources and new technologies with their colleagues.
Because it’s School Library Month, I wanted to give a shout out to some of the people I’ve met who work in or with school libraries. These people have a huge passion for literacy. They inspire me every day. They inspire students every day. And they do it out of love, a love of sharing their passion for literacy and learning with others. I find their daily musings infectious. They make me smile, laugh, and sometimes even cry with what they share. I learn from them daily and I think you will too.
I suggest that every school librarian or library media specialist on Twitter follow these literacy heroes and their amazing resources.
Meet them now!
- Shannon McClinktock Miller @Shannonmmiller Shannon can be found speaking and consulting around the country on education, librarianship, technology, social media and education. Check out her blog The Library Voice and sign up for her newsletter too!
- Elissa Malespina Middle School Librarian @elissamalespina As the ISTE Librarians Network President her knowlegde of how to use technology in education is endless. Bookmark her website and don’t miss the presentation link!
- Matthew Winner - Elementary School teacher Librarian @MatthewWinner You won’t want to miss his website. As there you will also find the Children’s Book Podcast link. He interviews authors, promotes innovation both in and beyond the library, and provides book recommendations to readers and fellow teacher librarians.
- Colby Sharp - 5th grade teacher. @colbysharp He loves reading, teaching and creating! At his site you can find links to his Nerdy Book Club, the Yarn podcast and Nerd Camp Michigan. His new book the Creativity Project is there too! Oh, and don't miss his videos! Your class will love them.
- John Schumacher - aka Mrs. Schu @MrSchuReads He works diligently to put the right book in the hands of children. I think he might be the biggest advocate out there in the county for school-age reading. You won’t want to miss an entry on his Watch. Connect. Read blog.
- Andy Plemmons @plemmonsa Andy has a passion for helping his students experiement with new technologies. Being a Google Certified Innovator, and Flipgrid Ambassador he got great ideas for maker spaces too! His blog name alone will movitate you. Expect Miraculous